Color Analysis
Color analysis is an in depth color consultation, virtually or in person, to help you understand how certain colors complement your natural features, skin tone, eye color, and overall complexion. Enhancing your overall appearance making you look younger, healthier, more polished and confident.
Knowing your personal color palette will forever change how you choose your hair color, makeup and clothes.
My clients constantly hear me say that every woman has that perfect color and style that makes her feel her most beautiful. To find that perfect color we’ll analyze the undertone, intensity and value of your skin looking for the palette that enhances your best features and diminishing the things we don’t love.
Once we determine your undertone and personal seasonal palette we'll determine your best colors, in clothes, makeup, jewelry and most importantly, your hair color.
Your digital report will include all the details of how I came to your result, how to use it to your advantage for shopping